Assignemnt #56 and FortuneCookie


  /// name: Leila Ordukhani
  /// period: 6
  /// program name: Forty-Sixth Program
  /// file name:
  /// date finished: 11/19/15
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class FortuneCookie
	public static void main ( String[] args )
		Random r = new Random();
		int x = 1 + r.nextInt(54);
        String response = "";

		if ( x == 1 )
			response = "It is your lucky day";
		else if ( x == 2 )
			response = "It is your unlucky day";
		else if ( x == 3 )
			response = "You will win the a great prize";
		else if ( x == 4 )
			response = "Stay in school you'll need it";
		else if ( x == 5 )
			response = "Your lover awaits";
		else if ( x == 6 )
			response = "Be careful what you wish for";
    System.out.println( "Fortune cookie says: " + response);
    System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
		System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
		System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
		System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
		System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );
		System.out.print( 1 + r.nextInt(54) + " " );


Picture of the output

Assignment 56