Assignemnt FallFinal and Semester 1 Final


  /// name: Leila Ordukhani
  /// period: 6
  /// program name: Final 1 Program
  /// file name:
  /// date finished: 1/22/16

  import java.util.Scanner;
 import java.util.Random;
  public class FallFinal
        public static void main ( String[] args )

            Random r = new Random();
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
            int again = 0;
            int flips, heads, tails;
            heads = 0;
            tails = 0;
            //initialize integers
            System.out.print("How many flips do you want? ");
            flips = keyboard.nextInt();
            while ( flips < 1 || flips > 2100000)
                System.out.println("Number is invalid. Choose ");
                if ( flips < 1)
                    System.out.println("a positive number.");
                else if ( flips > 2100000 )
                    System.out.println("a number less than 2,100,000");
                System.out.println("Pick a number between 1 and 2,100,000");
                flips = keyboard.nextInt();
                int flip = r.nextInt(2);
                String coin;
                if ( flip == 1 )
                    coin = "heads";
                    again++; //keep track of total flips
                    heads++; //keep track of heads
                    coin = "tails";
                    again++; //keep track of total flips
                    tails++; //keep track of tails
                System.out.println("The coin flip is " + coin);
            } while ( again < (flips) ); //total flips can not be more than requested flips
                    //while loop to repeat the flips
            double headprobability = (double)heads/flips;
            double tailprobability = (double)tails/flips;
            //find mathematical probability
            double headpercent = (headprobability * 100);
            double tailpercent = (tailprobability * 100);
            //make probability a percentage
            System.out.println("There were " + heads + " heads and  " + tails + " tails.");
            System.out.println("The probability of getting heads was " + headpercent);
            System.out.println("The probability of getting tails was " + tailpercent);
            //percentage of heads and tails based on the flips
            //The consistant number needed to get close to 50 percent probability is 10 of multiples of 10 because percentage is out of 100

Picture of the output

Assignment Semester 1 Final